Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My "Birthday Present" in action!

Calico Sizzles!!! (Tri-Colored)!!!! First hatch!

Eggs Due to Hatch on Thursday!!! 1st attempt incubating!

Well, we have more baby chicks due to hatch out on Thursday!!! So Exciting!!! We have one of our Buff Orpington hens laying on a nest of eggs(olive eggers, chocolate eggers, & blue eggs!)...and the ones that wouldn't fit under Mama hen went in my new incubator that Jim got me for my Birthday!!! So the plan is to see how many hatch out and give them all to Mama Hen (Wigglely as Ben calls her) to raise! I think all of our other sizzle chicks are sold from our last hatch!!! This is so much fun!

Toddlers...Seramas...& ...Diapers!

Here's a few pics of our little Serama Flock sportin their new chickie diapers! Thanks to a very sweet lady in Virginia who sewed these up for me...I no longer have to worry about chickie poo in my bakcyard with the boys!!! Sweet deal!!! Now the boys can enjoy their chickies & I can enjoy a poo free patio & yard for the boys! And the boys can in turn enjoy playing with their chickens!
Win Win!!!

Seramas in their New Chickie Diapers!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Mama hen earned some eggs tonight!

Jim got me an incubator for my Birthday and I quickly filled it up with eggs to hatch out!!!(LOL) Well, the eggs have been in the bator since 4-2 and in the meantime one of my Buff Orpington girls decided to "go broody"!!! Perfect timing! So I set her up in her own pen & nest box a few days ago and gave he fake eggs just to see how serious she was about this "wanting to be a Mama thing"...well she's FOR REAL!!! So tonight I took the fake eggs out and replaced them with half of the eggs that I had in my bator! Oh boy...she stuffed them right under her belly and snuggled down!!! So let the countdown begin!!! 10 more days ad we should have some new cheepers around here!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Serama's !!!

I just decided to add four seramas to our chickie family! Ben named them...the rooster is who you see on the 1st big photo on this blog...his name is "Rainbow" and he has three hens..."Cloud", "Sunshine" and "Twinkling Star"!!! I just love it when kids name animals they are always way more creative than us!!! Anyway, here is a little background on Seramas:
Malaysian Seramas are one of the rarest breeds of chickens in the world and are the smallest chicken in the world!!!
They are VERY poular pets in Malaysia!

I got my four from http://www.pixiechickens.com

Here is a REALLY funny video of an indoor serama as a housepet!

Random Pics!

It's "Chickie Biz as usual" around here!

I was offered alot of money for three of my silkie babies that we hatched out on Valentine's Day this year! They went to a wonderful home in NY!!! Congrats Felicia on your New Chicks!!!

We had our first "al natural" hatch two days ago with our little red hen "Red Girl"!!! 7 new babies!!! We will be selling 5 and keeping 2.

We have Olive Eggers & Black Copper Marans(Chocolate Eggers) in the bator along with some of our own eggs(seramas, sizzles, Easter Eggers)!!! They are due to hatch out on the 22nd!!! I'm holding out hope that one of my other hens will get the urge to be a "Mama" and then she can take over the hatch for me!!! I LOVE it when the hen's do all of the work!

We are in the process of re-modeling our coops and adding an attached walk in style run onto our barn. As long as these upgrades get done before fall I'll be a thankful woman!

Oh yeah! We've also been selling fertilized eggs from our "Free range egg layer flock" like hotcakes!!! It's been alot of fun & helps with the feed bill!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

7 New Baby Chicks!!!!

We had a VERY SUCCESSFUL hatch yesterday!!! So this morning we have 7 Brand New Baby Chicks! 5 are red frizzles and 2 are sizzles!!! VERY EXCITING!!! Mama Hen is doing an excellent job tending to her new babies!

After 21 days of diligently tending to her nest ...our New Mama Hen hatched out 4 babies and still counting!!! VERY EXCITING DAY!!! I went out to peek in on her this morning and out from her feathers popped two precious little yellow fluffy chicks!!! Now it's later in the afternoon and at last count she has 5 chicks!!! She was sitting on 9 eggs so we'll have to see what happens! Ben was so excited when he saw the new babies!!! He exclaimed..."It's a MIRACLE!" Out of the mouth of babes! It really does make the Springtime even more special so have these little fluffy "miracles"!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Hi All & Welcome to my Designer/ Hybrid Chickie Blog!!!
After months of blogging on my family site and intermingling in chickie talk I decided to just go ahead and create a separate blog just for chicken talk!

So I am VERY excited to have a backyard with some of the prettiest & cutest balls of fluff out there!(In my humble opinion!LOL) I have three bantam breeds that I am focusing on:

These little sweeties have brought our family hours of enjoyment & I wanted to be able to share some of that here with you!

We also have a very diverse "Free Range Flock" of egg layers that provide us with a full basket of colorful eggs daily! We also sell their fertilized eggs for hatching! This flock consists of :
Buff Opington's
Giant Cochins
Cuckoo Marans
Olive Eggers
Black Copper Marans
Easter Eggers
Speckled Sussex